7 Days to Die Portal General Information


This web portal was built by Aesirkin for his public server Shady Grove. It is not run or supported by TFP and is not an official product. It connects via telnet and uses built-in commands to provide some additional functionality for players and admins not provided by the stock game.


  • Home page with current server date, time, and player count
  • Self-help page for players to have missing vehicles sent to them (requires Allocs)
  • Blood moon scheduler for server admins (optional) (premium)
  • Blood moon scheduler for players (optional) (premium)


Is any installation required on the game server?

Yes and no. The blood moon scheduler will work with a vanilla 7 Days to Die server. Vehicle self-help requires Alloc's Server Tools, which most servers already have installed. All features require that your server can be connected to via telnet across the internet, which may require you to open/forward ports.

How much does this service cost?

Adding your server and providing the self-help tools to players is free. Other features require a premium membership that costs $3.99 per month.